Total Medals Earned: 567 (From 74 different games.) Total Medal Score: 7,340 Points
Medals Earned: 4/5 (65/70 points)
Went right.
Use the B power for the first time.
Defeated ki1o.
Bought every item in the Clock Mart
Get a game over.
Medals Earned: 5/22 (45/480 points)
You squads must enter in the heroic state 20 times during a mission
Purchase 10 squads in a mission
Open a treasure chest
Complete a mission with the Perfect rating
Destroy 30 enemy squads in a mission
Set 5 banners in a battlefield in a mission
Issue all the basic edicts of the Duchy of Westaria
Issue all the basic edicts of the Icedales Cult
Issue all the basic edicts of the Crimson Horde
Control 7 obelisks at the same time
Complete the Icedales Cult campaign
Seize strongholds 10 times in a mission
Control 20 squads at the same time
Control 7 mines at the same time
Control 7 farms at the same time
Collect 3000 gold in a mission
Complete the Crimson Horde campaign
Use the ultimate spell 5 times in a mission
Complete the Duchy of Westaria campaign
Complete all the Crimson Horde missions with Perfect rating
Complete all the Duchy of Westaria missions with Perfect rating
Complete all the Icedales Cult missions with Perfect rating
Medals Earned: 1/20 (5/455 points)
It's time to learn some tricks
Team: step back then protect front line
Dominate! This is your only salvation
Cut! In the right place, at the right time
Master the craft of war
What a huge life form!
Your enemies - are enemies to each other
Get out of my corner
Try walking in their shoes
Is this place safe to hide forever?
Quick Victory: finish with him as soon as possible
This should be easy
Neutral wall
Between the devil and the deep blue sea
Run as fast as you can
Quick team trick
Behind the wall
Predator is the top life form - become him!
They have no chance to survive...
Medals Earned: 3/4 (15/40 points)
I don't want to hear any more music, thanks.
You generated a story, well done!
You decided to change it up a bit, go you!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 9/21 (125/440 points)
You meanie.
Sisterly love is a precious thing.
Love in a dream?
Playing with food is not fun for Ren.
Dinosaurs are kidnappers?
Can't eat them, can't get along with them.
Story time about Ren's woes.
Nora the weed killer.
Food coma in a dream?
What a mean look from something so sweet.
Too few to be a stampede, though.
Run! Run! Run away!
Staring not-so-sweetly at you.
Queen of the cakes!
Dinosaurs are friends.
A snack for cakes, oops...
A lovely snack for two.
Nora probably still won't like Ren.
This sort of thing goes over Nora's head...
Medals Earned: 3/26 (40/500 points)
Perform an execution
Kill an enemy by only throwing weapons at them
100 Kills with dual Lever Shotguns
Kill an enemy by shooting them with a grenade dart, and then with a spiked grenade
50 Kills with a Single Glock 18
50 Kills with a Single Beretta
100 Kills with the PANCOR Jackhammer
100 Kills with the Spike Grenade Launcher
100 Kills with the Laser Cannon
50 Kills with a Single Lever Shotgun
100 Kills with the Grenade Dart Launcher
Kill an enemy by shooting them with at least 4 different weapons
100 Kills with dual Glock 18's
100 Kills with the Thompson
100 Kills with the Rebound Shotgun
100 Kills with the Acid Grenade Launcher
150 Headshots in one match
100 Kills with dual Berettas
100 Kills with the magnum
100 Kills with the Lead Pipe
150 Kills in a match
100 Kills with the Tavor
100 Kills with the Arrow Gun
100 Kills with the M1187
Get a kill with every weapon during a single match
100 Kills with Artifact 19
Medals Earned: 1/9 (10/270 points)
get to lvl 9
Get the bad ending
get to level 28
vote on 3 maps
get to level 22
Vote on 33 maps
beat an explore campaign
Get the good ending
Vote on 333 maps
Medals Earned: 19/20 (450/500 points)
Get skewered on spikes
Launch the Turtle
Smash a goomba
Launch 1 mile (5,280ft)
Find the hidden button
Launch 5 miles (26,400ft)
Blow up a jeep
Crush an angry ground creature
Reach space
Get punched by a banana
Get caught by a UFO
Get burned by a sun
Play over an hour
Launch 10 miles (52,800ft)
Use a nuke
Play over 2 hours
Launch 25 miles (132,000ft)
Total over 1 million feet
Launch 50 miles (264,000ft)
Buy everything
Medals Earned: 4/11 (70/380 points)
Get a single spade in a spin
Get two wilds in a single spin.
Win with three hearts.
Win with 6 rows of cash.
Lose all your credits.
Reach $10,000 in credit.
Win with four angry faces.
Win with 5 rows of platinum bars.
Get 100 spins in a single game.
Win the Jackpot
Win with 7 rows of diamonds
Medals Earned: 11/11 (330/330 points)
Level 1
Its only Starting
Level 3
Levels Are Getting Hard
Level 5
Down to Jump
Use Missile to Get up
Stop me!!!
Jump 23 Times
Never Return