Happy new year!
I enjoyed last year but it was admittedly a bad year overall. It was an odd year for me because I actually had a life for 2 weeks of it. It wasn't any more enjoyable than not having a life but I loved that little time period - it's a little highlight of my life like the time I had that huge RPG battle on Smicothegreat's newsposts. Since then it's been sleepless nights and sleepy mornings as university life started. I've made brilliant friends over the time I've been in university. I have friends that I care about greatly. People who make it fun to just go to a pub and laugh with. Others are gamers and we can discuss the games we like without fear of them looking down on us for it. I actually know people who don't think anime is just hentai! Real life has gotten so much better since I left high school. University in Scotland is much more like anime high schools than high school is.
The big thing about last year was that the internet mattered less. I escaped a ship before the gamergate incident sank it to the bottom of the ocean. This 4chan vs Tumblr war is destroying the internet and, as a student of game development, I can't escape it. I also failed miserably at trying to get back into the clock crew. I'll try again though some day.
Politically the world was messed up as well because the racists won an election in the UK. UKIP won about 30% of the vote in England, 26% of the vote in Wales and only 10% in Scotland. The racist National Front also won in France. This is a huge disappointment. I expected the English to be like that but not Wales and France. We also had the independence referendum which was enough to make everybody fall out with each other for a couple of days.
Overall though, leaving High school really did wonders for my life. When I moved out, I could be who I wanted to be instead of having to act on what people already knew about me. I could say "smeg" and people would let me because they thought it was local dialect. Life is good now. I just need to learn how to wake up.
New years resolution: wake up on time for class then actually pass the classes. Also do the coursework earlier in the year.