Well I am now a student at university. I've moved house and my first term ends tomorrow. It's wierd having a social life but I'm glad I briefly experienced one. I'm happy to go back to being a social recluse but it's still taken it's toll on my time. I have to wake up at 07:15 every day to get into university by 09:00 and that's really hard when you end up staying awake till about 03:00.
I'm doing a computer game programming course at one of the best universities in europe (at least the best in the UK) for my course. I've probably already failed my first maths test and I keep missing 09:00 classes due to trouble waking up. Usually i'd be fine but now it takes an hour to wake up and even then I can't be bothered. I set 2 alarms in the morning. One at 07:15 and one at 07:30 so that I should wake up but neither works. I'm having loads of trouble with time and I'm really not sure how to solve them. I live ages away from the university too so it doesn't help that being 5 minutes late now makes me 30 minutes late due to busses.
In terms of budget I'm actually doing really well. I'm eating a diet of mainly rice, chicken and broccoli - all at a price of under 50p a meal. Toast in the morning is so cheap that I end up getting so much that I can't eat it all and buying less is more expensive than buying more. My main loss of money is lunch where I lose £2 a day eating a KFC snack box - though it is well worth the money. I could lower this by buying from gregs or bringing a packed lunch but it's not much less money and takes up too much time respectivley.
My flatmates are alright in my specific flat. My block are a different story though. I don't drink so I'm left like Byakuren Hijiri - I'm restricted by the fact I don't drink. My friends from the little university warm up (we called it summer school) were acceptive and actually admired the fact that I didn't drink but the people who actually live in my block can be assholes about it. I can't get along with people here so it's no wonder one of my friends have already switched accommodation. I'm still here because it's cheap and it gives me the money to buy a PC - being a gamer and only having a laptop is unbearable.
Still, life goes on. My course uses unity next year so I may end up making some games using unity for newgrounds - if I can figure out how to use it. Right now I need to get my time in check. I should be asleep now.
Cool - which uni is that, if you don't mind me asking?
Also, if you are struggling for money, bear in mind you're probably not going to want to have to work part-time in your third year. I knew quite a few people that ran out of money towards that point, and did have to work to the detriment of their final grades.
First year halls are a nightmare.
University of Abertay Dundee - top for game development in the UK but I don't know about the rest of Europe.
It turns out that I've budgeted too well. I've bought myself a new PC and I still have about £300 to spare. Not to mention that I'm still profiting by about £200 every month.
Yeah they are.