Happy 2013!
2012 was an epic year of my life. I got my first official grades at school and they were pretty good. The clock crew era of my life is well and truly over now because I finally completed drawn to life the next chapter which was the last major thing of that era. It also marked the return of my addiction to runescape :( and an addiction to wrestling. 2012 also marks the 3rd year of the anime era of my life. That makes it the longest era of my life yet - if you don't count the dark ages where I had a life.
2013 will be when things get serious. I can't just sit back and listen while the world flys by and expect to get anywhere from it. This year will be about hard work. I'm doing 5 highers this year and so I'll have to work my hardest to get my 2 As and 2 Bs. According to my mum Cs aren't acceptable. I may be doing good compared to most of the rest of my classes but I'm not completely sure if that's enough. Still 2013 will be a stressfull year. I might even have to get a life this year. I'm not looking forward to that. My only resolution thing is to start studying but I think by the end of the year I'll need a break. People around me are getting jobs while I'm still on fourms and obsessing over anime.
Happy new year everybody!
You're technically supposed to use a level scoop that's usually about a 1/2 oz. Eight ounces are in a cup, so 1/4 cup is huge.
Happy still 2012!
I'm the only guy in the only guy in the country who prefers the metric system so ths'll take a while for me to get.
Yeah the comparisons I'm doing seem to make the 1/4 cup pretty huge.
Happy new year!