School is over for me and so now my flash production rate as increased. I will finish SHC goes to aredeonaig then I will start my clockday 09 movie (which will probably be a race with funny things in it not ultimate food theif 2 remake. maybe next clockday) then I'll make the madness buisnessman 2. I've found that listening to punk while making flash seems to make me want to do it more.
I might be contributing to all 3 portals some day because I'm in a band and although I dont really like the songs we're making we are going to see if anyone acually does.
Anyway , back to flash, here is the chart thingy.
SHC goes to ardeonaig (possibly monday only ATM) - making 50% finished (or 10% finished)
Clockday 09 thing - going to make 5% finished (got most of the story)
MB2- going to make 0% finished. I need a good story so if any of you have like a main story but without the battles or conversations or battles in it just like what he does and who he meets n' stuff the can you please tell me it because I have no real story
SHCs dream- still delayed