I've finaly finished the intro! expect the flash on christmas or when chris the stick sends me the voice acting!
**UPDATE** My B I only just noticed! I'm at my 99th post! expect the 100th when I finish my flash! if not only updates will come!
**UPDATE** k tweening just smeged up. the quality of the flash isn't so good now for some reason. I need a better PC or flash
**UPDATE** I've just completed guitar hero 3 and I'm now ready to play guitar hero world tour on christmas. This also means there are no delays so this flash will bbe done sooner
**UPDATE** Sorry my flash won't be done by christmas. ~The delays were too long and I have the urge to pass through the fire and flames on expert. My amp smeged up so I'm also gonna have to use the money made from flash into getting a new one! too much delays so chris, scrap the voice acting till some time after january. GH:WT having 3 instruments is going to delay this a lot. I'll still always be on newgrounds daily though! Every day exept christmas!
sounds good