DID you hear about the new age of empires expansion! it's still coming soon but you should be able to find it here! well weirdthing cant be bothered making the second frame of our collab so it's gone! but the good news is age of empires and I learned trace bit map!!!
that age of empires thing is cool! i don't know if that second frame thing is a good or bad thing but it sounds like a bad thing. also good job on the bit map thing even though i don't know what it means or what it's for. yay age of empires!
yeah I cant wait for it to come out! yes weirdthingclock not being bothered to make the second frame is a bad thing! plus if your a clockfreind you HAVE to get flash and tracebitmap is something you learn in modify! use it on sprites! I'm using trace bitmap in my clockday flash!