I like pie! I survived the end! ok I updated it! just to some alisters has an S in it! So remember it! ¥¥¥

Age 32

Game Dev/NEET


Joined on 4/19/07

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2,838 / 2,840
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5.85 votes
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11y 23d


Well, uh. You might be better off not adding me then. My name is kind of sort of NSFW.

Also wait, what about Runescape?

Yeah that could get embarrassing - especially seeing as my little brother now plays on it as well.

Yeah, in late 2012 jagex released an update that completely changed the combat system in runescape to the combat system in every other MMORPG. Naturally as a guy who had been playing since 2007 (and had recently begun playing again because of an anime called sword art online) I absolutely hated the update. Apparently so did practically every other veteran. As a boycott, most of us left runescape to play on a private server called 2006scape. After that, we played on projectrs06. The boycott left enough of a dent in jagex's pockets to force them to give us back our game - but in the end I never went back.

Met some good people there though so the experience was worth it.

That sucks. I used to play Runescape pretty regularly before I found NG.

Yeah. If you ever go back to it you'll realise that it's every other mmorpg now. Not much runescape left in it anymore.

Hm. No real reason for me to get back into it then I suppose. Whatcha been up to?

Watching higurashi, playing fire emblem, studying and celebrating. The usual.

Watching what?

Higurashi no naku koro ni. An anime.

What's it about?

It's about a group of friends in a village who are really good friends until the cotton picking festival where at least one of them goes crazy and almost everybody ends up dead. This then repeats with different events happening causing different people to go crazy each time. The village is stuck in a time loop but with different things happening.

Oh, neat. What happens in it?

I don't really know. I'm not finished it yet. I'm used to 12 episode animes but this is 50.

How far into it are you?

Episode 11 of the 2nd series.

What's happened in it so far?

Rika is trying to stop the repeat of the killings instead of just accepting them as fate now.

That's good.

I'm still at that spot though. I don't seem to be capable of watching an anime that's more than 25 episodes long.

What, how will I ever find out what happens if you don't watch more? Go watch more so you can tell me about it!

I'll have to do it later.

Okay. That works. So how've you been? Anything new?

I'm at the pessimistic part of the year so the only think that's new is the 3rd cold I've had this year.

That sucks. Sorry I stopped talking by the way. D'you have Skype?

Yeah I have skype. I'm not overly active on it but I go on from time to time. would go on more if my PC weren't broke. I believe my username is alistersng

I'm a few months late, but happy new year anyway!

Thank you. Happy late new year to you too.