I don't see what there is to be proud about that. And no you shouldn't.
I like pie! I survived the end! ok I updated it! just to some alisters has an S in it! So remember it! ¥¥¥
Age 32
Game Dev/NEET
Joined on 4/19/07
I don't see what there is to be proud about that. And no you shouldn't.
That I've never been anywhere near the place or that I know the place exists?
Neither of those things are anything to be proud of.
yeah. I'll go there when it's nececcary.
Okay, good.
yeah. Untill then though.
A puppy dog jumped on me.
cool. I'd love for a puppy to jump on me! did it hurt though? those things can be heavy somtimes.
No. It was a stranger's puppy dog. She was old and big.
and old puppy? can such a thing be possible?
well you can't have old babies.
It wasn't a baby puppy.
then it can't be a puppy. Puppies are the dog equivilant of babies.
It was a puppy dog not a puppy.
a breed of dog calleda puppy?
No. A puppy dog.
is it a different species like a horse and a pony?
No. It's like a kitty cat.
a kitty cat is a baby cat.
How many comments was the goal anyway?
I don't see why. It's a good site outside of /b/. Give it a chance, /diy/ is especially useful for your project.
269. I'd've had to leave it another 2 months to get to the goal.
It's more of a pride thing. I can tell people I know that /b/ exists but I've never been anywhere near the place. I guess I shouldn't let my pride get in the way of practicality.