I like pie! I survived the end! ok I updated it! just to some alisters has an S in it! So remember it! ¥¥¥

Age 32

Game Dev/NEET


Joined on 4/19/07

Exp Points:
2,838 / 2,840
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Vote Power:
5.85 votes
Police Lieutenant
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B/P Bonus:
11y 23d


You deserve 40 comments. So,


here. These can get you started and then you can comment on my blog to fuel my attention whoring and then I'll comment on yours.

I made a similar deal back in early 07 and it worked out fine. pictures are a problem.

Do what I do. Zoom in, scroll past, zoom out. Of course, I do that for myself 'cause the picture is gross.

That's too suspicious though. Doing all that to get by somthing. They might suspect somthing.

I was going to comment here before but then I didn't but then I just now did.

I know how you feel.

You're paranoid. Weiiiirdo. *Pushes*

Still as paranoid as always! just like 07.

Weirdo. *Pokes with stick*

*pushes stick*

*Shoves stick into your eye*

*attempts to dodge but the stick goes into the other eye*


*Heals you* Comment on my blog please?

At your service!

I need more comments! Also, for a 19 year old you still act very much the way you did when you were 13. Only now you're literate.

I refuse to grow up! When people around me went to high school they started to want to look cool and get girlfriends but not me. I just want to have fun.

Also I'm on it! if I can think of what to say.

But I didn't grow up either. Still, it's normal to have SOME change.

My only change was becoming shyer and much less trusting to others. That doesn't really have much affect on the internet.

Also if you commented on my blog & replied more often we could easily pass Prosti in number of comments.

don't know who prosti is.

Also, also. I just sneezed. On my hand/ PS3 controller.

I usuall just sneeze on my sleve when that happens to avoid accidently pressing buttons.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYCRW9_1nxo">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYCRW9_1nxo</a>
<3 So much better than I remember. And it was already great in my memories.

My memories have gone awry for a while now. I can't remember anything about pokemon anymore exept that the main haracters were ash, brock and some other girl who they've now removed and team rocket stole pokemon.

Reply to t'other comments!

Sorry. it was getting late and I had to do other things so I thought I'd come back to it but I didn't. Sorry.

Reply! You... you /penis head, / you!

to all of them?

Prosti (the prostitute) is Saltshakerclock. Reply to the first one too. Pokemon is awesome.

oh. And I didn't notice that one

Good job penis head!

Is my mission complete yet?

Not until you have 100 comments.

I usually make a new news post by then though.

Too bad. You hafta outdo Prosti!

If I'm ment to then I need a higher time:comment ratio which I don't currently have.

Which is why I'm slowing down comments on his blog.

I guess that it's hard to increase sombody's time:comment ratio without spam.

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