oh, well, i'm only immature at these things when i wanna be, other than dat, i'll break dance and spend on the gorund, impressing girls in the process
I like pie! I survived the end! ok I updated it! just to some alisters has an S in it! So remember it! ¥¥¥
Age 32
Game Dev/NEET
Joined on 4/19/07
oh, well, i'm only immature at these things when i wanna be, other than dat, i'll break dance and spend on the gorund, impressing girls in the process
it's not the kind of dance you think! you cant impress people!
OMG YU CAN'T, well i'm out. i'd go and just like, hang out on the wall, first chance i get i break dance
you cant break dance.
pay them, then ask them to talk smoothly. i dunno, just bored.
about the girls at the fucking dance.
we dont talk! we just dont smile and do the (blocked out due to saftey reasons) dancing!
how are you?
sorry for being mean, i was kinda mad today.
yeah that is fine. but when i get unfrozen i chase after iceblock and i'm really mad at him. but not mad enough to go all mad clock and stuff.
good! I'll make that flash then!
plus i don't mind dancing with girls.
dude, i can' keep on hiding this forever, and if you want a deviantart, smeg's real age is 15!!!! pm me for details. oh, and smeg i'll make your account now.
ok but I didn't get that first bit
salt shakerclocks's comment was deleted due to revealing personal deatails! I knew I couldn't trust the smeghead
you didn't ban me, right?
nah! I wouldn't ban you unless you did it again!
no secret, deviantart will be made. secret is still here, no deviantart.
good! I dont really mind if your taking this long! I can wait [sarcasm/]
wanna play would you rather in pm? wait, never mind, you have to go to bed soon, considering your 4 hours ahead.
play what? plus I'm going to bed NOW!
BOOKER T IS ON TNA!!!!!! OMG, YYYAAAYYYY, I AHTE TNA AND STUPID OLE KING BOOKER ( f he's done with the king thing, then hell i'm a fan again) but i'm happpy as long as shawn is still on RAW kickin faces inside of people
booker T sucks! first he calls himself "king booker" then undertaker snaps his neck, he aint so big now!
!!! *shawn michaels music plays, shanw comes to stage, dances, then superkicks booker* *crowd chant !!!HBK HBK HBK!! * I AINT THE SOWSTOPPA FOR NO REASON!!!!!!!
I high fived shawn michaels! At the survivor series tour!
booker T? wtf is that?
a wrestler!
booker t was one of my favorite wrestlers until he did the king booker thing. that was stupid.
he's no longer king booker
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG, YER LIKE MY NEW IDOL, YU ACTUALLY TOUCHED MY FAV WRESTLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yup I did! but I washed my hand!
well, just get a hot one, and maybe dance a little more smoothl, or as smico would say:
all of them hate me!