I have a theme. Pie.
I like pie! I survived the end! ok I updated it! just to some alisters has an S in it! So remember it! ¥¥¥
Age 32
Game Dev/NEET
Joined on 4/19/07
I have a theme. Pie.
yeah i was actualy waiting for you to reply to my message lol i thought you were offline i was thinking about a Pie theme
is that the final desision? come on! I want this thing done before saltskakers flash runs out!
you choose!
hmm ok! but you sill lead!
ok so what is the collab theme?
pie! make a part!
Lets make a flash about horses and buggy's!
Heres a theme, PIZZA!!!
hey alisters i'm back!
hi! welcome back!
hello, make pie. and can i make one part?
also, hey blast, sup man
MAN, do more movies
YOu're so bored? Well, let's play basketball. Say, 21, perhaps?
what? the game 21?
superBlast hasn't joined the AKK. We created it while he was playing halo 3.
yes he did! look at his news posts!
oh yeah, i joined the SG.
I know!
you should too!
how do I? and what do they do?
they're actulay nice guys you sign up at shadesgang.co.nr
(i didnt join i just a friend of the group i am not repeat NOT a shade)
yeah, join at <a href="http://www.shadesgang.co.nr">www.shadesgang.co.nr</a>. K? Or talk to lamphades at lampshadez.newgrounds.com
i got a phone! Check my post for the great details! Alos, have you joined yet?
well now I have! check you PMs on the site!
my phone rocks. i love it.
ooohh, tell me the theme